박원근 원로목사님 – Pastor Emeritus Won-Geun Park, Rev.
새생명 교회 창립자이자 2009년 6월 28일에 은퇴하신 박원근 목사님은 고려대학교를 졸업하고, 교사로 봉직하였습니다. 이후 1968년 미국에 정착하여 시카고중앙교회 장로로 섬기다가 목회자 소명을 받아 Moody Bible Institute에서 신학을 공부한 후 Free Methodist Church에서 목사안수를 받았습니다. 시카고 부활자유감리교회에서 동역목회를 하였고, 1988년 새생명교회를 개척하여 2009년까지 시무하셨습니다.
Pastor Won-Geun Park, who retired on June 28, 2009, was the founder of our church. He received Bachelor’s degree at Korea University and worked as a teacher. Since he moved to the United States in 1968, he served Chicago Central Covenant Church as an elder and later, in response to a calling for him, he studied theology and ordained as a Pastor in Free Methodist Church. Before he founded our church, he served Chicago Revival Free Methodist Church as a fellow minister. He founded Korean New Life Church of Urbana in 1988 and served until 2009.